Lyme Lecture: Diagnosing Lyme Disease and why most conventional labs fail
We are having a lecture on Lyme Disease to discuss why diagnosing Lyme with conventional labs is
inaccurate about half of the time. These labs don’t test all of the bands and tend to give false
negatives ~ which means they say the person does not have Lyme Disease, when they really do
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
5-7 PM
2103 Main Street, Stratford, CT 06615
Call (203) 874-4333 to reserve your seat
What is Lyme Disease?
Lyme is a Multi-Systemic Disease caused by the bacteria called Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb) which normally is a bacterial spirochete (spiral) shape.
It is usually transmitted by the bite of the Black Legged Tick; also known as the Deer Tick (Ixodes Scapularis). Lyme disease may also be transmitted in utero; from a mother to her unborn baby.
Borrelia burgdorferi has been found in breast milk; however at this time it is inconclusive as to the transmission of illness. It has also been found in the blood supply; however at this time there are no recorded cases of direct transmission. Other Tick-borne infections have been directly transmitted through the blood supply.
Signs & Symptoms.
Approximately 50% of patients who contract Lyme disease will remember having a rash. The official name of the rash is Erythema Chronicum Migrans (EM) and it is usually looks like a Bull’s Eye in shape. If you have the Bull’s Eye Rash you have Lyme disease!
The rash may appear on other places on your body than the bite site (Disseminated disease). It may begin as a single circular red mark that spreads outwards. As it disseminates over the skin it becomes lighter in the area nearer to the center of the bite. In people of color the rash may appear more like a bruise. The rash is usually not ichy. The rash can be mistaken for a spider bite.
Studies vary as to how long the tick must feed on you in order to transmit disease.
Since Lyme disease is a multi-systemic illness there is a multitude of symptoms associated with the illness. Some include;
- Flu-like illness
- Headache
- Extreme Fatigue
- EM Rash, Other Rashes (Only found in 50% of Patients)
- Malar Flush, Red Ear Lobes
- TMJ/ Jaw Pain (Temporomandibular Join)
- Neck & Back Pain
- Joint Pain & Swelling, Bone Pain