Bringing together the best in science and natural medicine
Comprehensive Diagnostic Tests are used to identify the underlying cause of your medical condition; because an effective treatment requires an accurate diagnosis.
Advanced Diagnostic Test
- Allergy Tests
- Blood Tests
- Digestive Function Tests
- Hair Mineral Analysis
- Heavy Metal Tests
- Digestive Stool Tests
- Imaging studies (X-rays, MRI and Ultrasound)
- Salivary Hormone Tests
Therapies and Services
- Acupuncture
- Botanical Medicine
- Clinical Nutrition/Therapeutic Nutrition
- Craniosacral Therapy
- Detoxification Programs
- Facial Acupuncture
- Homeopathy
- Pain Management
- Pediatric Medicine
- Positional Release Therapy
- Reiki
- Smoking Cessation
- Stress Management
- Weight Loss Programs
- Women's Health
Conditions treated at Natural Health & Wellness Center
Strictly speaking, my primary goal is not to treat conditions, or symptoms. I treat people. Naturopathic physicians treat the underlying causes of their patient's health concerns. When the cause (or causes) are removed, the symptoms will become less severe and go away. Having said this, here are some conditions that Naturopathic medicine has successfully treated:
- Fatigue
- Insomnia
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Memory/focus Issues
Auto-immune Disorder
- Crohn's Disease
- Graves' Disease
- Hashimoto's Disease
- Lupus (SLE)
- Psoriasis
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Atherosclerosis
- Congestive Heart Disease
- High Cholesterol
- Hypertension
- Raynaud's
- Varicose veins
- Adrenal Disorders
- Diabetes
- Goiter
- Graves' Disease
- Hashimoto's Disease
- Hypothyroidism
- Hypoglycemia
- Insulin-resistance
Gastrointestinal Disorders
- Crohn's Disease
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Dyspepsia
- Gastroesophageal Reflux
- Gall Bladder Disorders
- Hepatitis
- Ulcerative Colitis
- Anemia
- Leukopenia
- Thrombocytopenia
- Candidaisis
- Ear Infections
- Herpes
- Shingles
- Sinusitits
- Tick-borne Illnesses
- Upper Respiratory Infections
- Urinary Tract Infections
- Viral Infections
- Arthritis
- Back pain
- Bursitits
- Carpal/Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
- Degenerative Disc Disease
- Fibromyalgia
- Gout
- Joint Pain
- Nerve Pain
- Sciatica
- Sports injuries
- Tendinintis
- Autism
- Chronic Ear Infections
- Acne
- Dermatitis
- Diabetic ulcers
- Ezcema
- Hives
- Psoriasis
- Rosacea
Women's Health
- Cervical Dysplasia
- Dysmenorrhea
- Infertility
- Endometriosis
- Fibrocystic Breast
- Menopausal Symptoms
- Menorrhagia
- Pre-menstrual Disorders

Men's Health
- Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy
- Impotence
Wellness Concentrations
We Offer
Frequency Specific Therapy (FSM)
What is Frequency Specific Therapy (FSM)?
FSM is a gentle, effective therapy that has a wide variety of applications. It has been an integral part of our practice for the past 3 years because it allows me to treat my patients in ways that I would not have thought were even possible with my other therapeutic tools. It is outstanding in treating nerve pain, joint pain, tendinitis, muscle pain and stiffness. It helps strains, sprains, tears of joints, back pain, degenerative disc disease and acute trauma. It has been shown to help with the intense pain from shingles, gout, and has helped diabetic ulcers heal. I have helped patients dealing with the after effects of a concussion and PTSD. It has helped patients with insulin resistance lose weight by increasing insulin sensitivity and reducing food cravings. As I continue to use this powerful therapeutic tool and I learning new and more effective ways it can relieve pain, reduce scar tissue, and improve overall well-being. There are very few contraindications for this treatment, pregnancy, an on-demand insulin pump are the two main ones. Also, FSM can't be done directly over a pace-maker. I have personally experienced the benefits of this therapy and know how effective and relaxing it can be. For more information refer to information in Resources section on FSM.
Frequency specific microcurrent is a revolutionary therapy that dramatically increases the body’s ability to heal and repair itself. FSM can increase the rate of healing by up to 5 times and do so safely and effectively.
Every function in the human body is electrically based. The electricity made inside your cells provides the power for your body. When microcurrent is applied to the body at a specific frequency, it can have positive effects on the condition of tissues and organs. FSM can help the body recuperate, promote pain relief, relax muscles, dissolve scar tissue and improve healing, all at accelerated rates.
FSM is painless; most people either don't feel anything, or feel the mildest tingling feeling. FSM provides electric current in the millionth of an ampere, which is below the stimulation threshold of sensory nerves. (Your own cells generate a current in the microamp range.)
Facts about FSM
- Increases ATP (the body’s own chemical energy) production by up to 500%
- Reduces Cox-mediated inflammation by approximately 60%
- Increases protein synthesis by 70%
- Increases amino acid transport by up to 40%
- Remodels and transforms scar tissue
- Increases “feel good” Beta endorphin levels
- Helps restore depleted adrenal function
- Reduces fracture repair time by up to 50%
- Enhances DNA synthesis, insulin binding, oxygenation, cellular repair, intracellular calcium uptake and immune function
- Enhances neuromuscular recovery rate between events
Conditions treated with FSM
- Sports injuries
- Low back and neck pain
- Nerve/muscle pain
- Fibromyalgia
- Sciatica
- Tendonitis
- Sprains/strains
- Degenerative Disc Disease
- Diabetic ulcers
- Shingles
- Gout
What does that mean to you?
- Decreased pain
- Increased rate of healing
- Increased range of motion
- Decreased swelling
How do the frequencies work?
We believe FSM works on the principle of biologic resonance. A singer can shatter glass when the note resonates with the crystal structure of the glass. Microcurrent frequencies seem to be able to resonate with the biologic tissue when the correct frequency is applied.
Each cell has an ideal resonant frequency. When your body experiences any type of injury, trauma, stress or increased inflammation, the normal resonant frequency of that tissue is altered. The desired effect of FSM is to return the tissue back to its normal frequency.
Detoxification is a normal function that our bodies carry out every day; it allows us to process the toxic substances we encounter in our world and eliminate them. The liver, colon, and kidneys are the primary organs of elimination; they require vitamins and minerals to carry out their job. When the quantity of toxic material in our world is so large, our detoxification system becomes overloaded; this impairs the proper functioning of these basic systems of elimination which leads to further accumulation of toxins.
Chart: Toxins, Accumulation of Toxins, Impaired Detoxification Also, when the toxic burden increases, there is impaired absorption of minerals that support detoxification which further exacerbates the situation. Fatigue, hair loss, skin irritations, headaches, poor memory, irritability, digestive problems, asthma, chemical sensitivities, and unhealthy skin and nail are examples of some of the symptoms associated with environmental toxins. Detoxification can help with fatigue, headaches, chronic skin problems, and digestive problems. It can improve memory, increase mental clarity and help with weight loss. Most people notice enhanced vitality and significant improvements in their overall quality of life.
Detoxification Programs usually consist of the following:
- Dietary modifications to reduce intake of toxic substances and to increase intake of vitamins and minerals that facilitate detoxification and elimination.
- Herbal supplements and targeted nutraceuticals to improve detoxification and elimination by the liver, colon, kidneys, lungs, lymphatics, and skin.
- Hydrotherapy and Massage to support the body during the detoxification process.
- Our programs are always individually designed for each patient based on their medical history and personal goals.
Smoking Cessation
We all know how difficult it is to quit smoking; that is because there are complex biochemical, physiological, emotional, and social reasons that come into play with nicotine addiction. Developing a successful plan to quit requires addressing all of these factors in a comprehensive, integrated way. Our approach uses the most advanced clinical nutrition, herbal medicines and supplements, stress management, and acupuncture to design a plan based on your individual needs and personal goals. This program can help those who have set a quit date as well as those who would like to stop but need help and don't know where to start.
Our Smoking Cessation Program can:
- Break the cycle of quitting and restarting
- Reduce nicotine cravings
- Ease your food cravings
- Assist with stress management
- Teach you healthier habits
- Help you breathe easier
- Encourage and support you every step of the way
A Few Alarming Facts… Smoking has been identified as the single most preventable cause of death and disease in the United States. Cigarettes currently cause approximately 20% of all deaths in the U.S. Each year, about 3 million people worldwide die from smoking, with about one–third coming from developing countries. We have scientifically proven treatment plans that can help you quit. We can develop an individualized plan that will work for you.
Weight Loss
One of the most important parts of staying healthy is keeping your weight down. Unfortunately, many people struggle with diets that don't ever seem to work; or if they work at all, the results are only temporary, and the weight comes back on. The inability to lose weight can come from a number of factors including: hormonal imbalances affecting the adrenals and thyroid, blood sugar imbalances, insulin resistance, improper diet, inadequate exercise or the wrong type of exercise program, inadequate sleep, excessive stress, food allergies, toxins, or chronic candida infection. Our Weight Loss Resistance Program is designed to help you understand why you have been unable to lose weight in the past. Through a combination of questionnaires clinical and laboratory findings, we can determine some of the factors that have been hindering your ability to lose weight. Then, by addressing these factors, we can significantly improve your chances of successfully getting down to your healthy weight and staying there. We can design an individualized plan that addresses food cravings emotional eating and gives you the tools to build a healthy eating plan that you can live with. Please fill out the medical history form and call us we can help you get started.
Facial Acupuncture
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is, also known as Cosmetic Acupuncture, can reduce the signs of aging by gently lifting wrinkles and sagging skin and promoting a more youthful appearance. The treatment program is comprehensive and very thorough; the goal is to not only address local symptoms but also to address the underlying conditions that promote and accelerate the aging process.
Some of the benefits of the Facial Acupuncture Program include:
- Improving muscle tone and dermal contraction in the face and neck.
- Increasing collagen production and thus helping to firm the skin and fill out wrinkles.
- Balancing hormones in the body can help with conditions like acne and overly dry skin.
- Increases the circulation of blood, lymph, and qi to the head, which noticeably improves the complexion by restoring healthy facial coloring and tightening pores.
- Stress and habitual expressions which are so visible on the face are transformed, resulting in a remarkably younger, calmer, and less worn-looking face with which to meet the world.
- Restoring Inner beauty, vitality, and serenity: all these are easily very obviously visual benefits manifest in the appearance while many pre-existing health conditions are cleared up because acupuncture works by treating the whole body and addressing the underlying causes of aging and disease.
- It provides the same benefits as traditional acupuncture with the added effects of reducing puffiness and sagging, improving the tone and quality of the skin, reducing puffiness and sagging skin.
Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation, or an Acupuncture Facelift, is the focus and most effective component in the Ultimate Facial Rejuvenation Program. In addition to the many and varied health promoting effects throughout the body that regular acupuncture bestows, Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture aims to correct the signs of aging by both local treatments and by treating the underlying causes of why an individual is specifically manifesting the aging process the way they are. Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture helps to improve muscle tone and dermal contraction, especially in the face and neck. Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture has been shown to increase collagen production and aids in its dispersal, thus helping to firm the skin and fill out wrinkles. Bags and sagging around the eyes, face, and neck can be significantly reduced and toned up. Metabolism is greatly improved through these treatments, resulting in reduced puffiness, often to the point of elimination. As acupuncture can profoundly affect the regulation of hormones in the body, conditions like acne and overly dry skin can be quite improved. By substantially increasing the circulation of blood, lymph, and qi to the head, these treatments improve the complexion noticeably. Healthy facial coloring can be restored, and there can be a tightening of the pores. Stress and habitual expressions which are so visible on the face are transformed, resulting in a remarkably younger, calmer, and less worn-looking face with which to meet the world. Inner beauty, vitality, and serenity: all these very obviously visual benefits manifest in the appearance while many pre-existing health conditions are cleared up because acupuncture works by treating the whole body and addressing the underlying causes of aging and disease.
The effects of Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation can last for years with regularly scheduled maintenance treatments and adherence to the ULTIMATE FACIAL REJUVENATION PROGRAM.
For more information on Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture, please contact us.
Exercise Rehabilitation
The goal of an effective exercise rehabilitation program is to eliminate dysfunction that follows trauma, injury, or disease and return the body to the pre-injury status of strength and well-being whenever possible. Exercise rehabilitation can help you heal faster, keep you stronger and healthier, and can reduce the risk of re-injury. A comprehensive evaluation will allow us to develop a rehabilitation program that is designed to meet your individual needs.
Numerous clinical studies have proven the benefits of physical therapy and exercise rehabilitation. Specifically, some of these benefits include:
reduced pain and improved activity levels in people with osteoarthritis of the knee reduce pain and improve activity levels in people with chronic low back pain reduce sick leave in people with sub-acute and chronic low back pain reduced pain, and improve range of motion and activity in people with shoulder pain slowed bone density loss in the spine of women after the age of menopause improved the muscle performance and mobility of people with multiple sclerosis Conditions Treated
- Musculoskeletal Conditions
- Motor vehicle and work-related injuries
- Sports injuries
- Repetitive motion/cumulative trauma disorders
- Neck and back injuries
- Neurological conditions
- Degenerative or inflammatory joint disorders (Arthritis)
- Exercise Rehabilitation Programs are often combined with other treatments and therapies including; postural assessment, chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, nutritional supplements, and clinical nutrition.
Postural Assessment
Common postural problems underlie many neck and back conditions. Trauma, improper ergonomic support, repetitive movements, and chronic illness can lead to postural imbalances. Often these two conditions feed off each other;
Postural imbalances Graphic: Double Arrow Muscle weakness, loss of strength or flexibility, and pain
Corrective exercises specifically designed to improve posture stretch & strengthen muscles to bring the body back into proper alignment without drugs or surgery, ultimately returning you to a "normal" comfortable state of being.
Acupuncture is a safe, effective type of holistic medicine backed by more than two thousand years of practice and research. It is used worldwide both as a primary and complimentary treatment for a wide variety of conditions. According to traditional theory, acupuncture regulates the circulation of qi (energy) and blood throughout the body. Deficiencies in qi or blockages in the flow of qi can cause illnesses and disease. Acupuncture, herbal medicine, and healthy lifestyle practices can be used to correct these imbalances. Some of the conditions successfully treated with acupuncture include: headaches, muscle aches, low back pain, joint pain, digestive issues, fatigue, insomnia, high blood pressures, anxiety, depression, hormonal imbalances, PMS, hot flashes, infertility, difficulty losing weight, food addictions, and substance addictions.
Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathic Medicine is a comprehensive, holistic healthcare system based upon 6 philosophical principals. These principals distinguish Naturopathic medicine from other healing professions and guide the way we diagnosis and treat our patients.
- The Healing Power of Nature (Vis Medicatrix Naturae): Naturopathic physicians recognizes an inherent self-healing process and identify and remove obstacles that prevent healing and recovery, and to facilitate and augment this inherent self-healing process.
- Identify and Treat the Causes (Tolle Causam): The naturopathic physician seeks to identify and remove the underlying causes of illness rather than to merely eliminate or suppress the symptoms.
- First Do No Harm (Primum Non Nocere): Naturopathic physicians follow three guidelines to avoid harming the patient:
- Utilize methods and medicinal substances which minimize the risk of harmful side effects, using the least force necessary to diagnose and treat;
- Avoid when possible the harmful suppression of symptoms; and
- Acknowledge, respect, and work with individuals’ self-healing process.
- Doctor as Teacher (Docere): Naturopathic physicians educate their patients and encourage self responsibility for health. They also recognize and employ the therapeutic potential of the doctor-patient relationship.
- Treat the Whole Person: Naturopathic physicians treat each patient by considering individual physical, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental, social, and other factors. Since total health also includes 5 of 7 spiritual health, naturopathic physicians encourage individuals to pursue their personal spiritual development.
- Prevention: Naturopathic physicians emphasize the prevention of disease by assessing risk factors, heredity and susceptibility to disease, and by making appropriate interventions in partnership with their patients to prevent illness.
Why should I see a Naturopathic doctor?
Naturopathic Medicine is a comprehensive, holistic healthcare system that helps patients that either do not
respond well to traditional allopathic medicine or to patients that would like to add a more holistic approach to
their current healthcare plan.
Naturopathic Medicine is an important part of our healthcare system because it focuses on assessing and treating the whole person and actually improving the functionality of your body. Naturopathic Medicine is more pro-active, medical doctors tend to be more reactive. Naturopathic doctors work to restore function and prevent illnesses by treating the person, medical doctors treat illnesses by targeting the symptoms. With naturopathic medical care you might be getting fewer colds because your immune system is stronger, not just because you took an anti-biotic to clear up an infection. You could have less pain because your body has less inflammation, not because you took pain medication.
If you have a heart attack or are involved in some type of traumatic accident, you will need to go the Emergency Room for immediate treatment by a medical doctor. They are the ones who can save your life. But, if you have a chronic illness, you might want to find a doctor that is going to look for the underlying cause or causes and help you strengthen and improve the overall function and your body. That person would be a Naturopathic doctor.
Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM)
Every function in the human body is electrically based. The electricity made inside your cells provides the power for your body. When microcurrent is applied to the body at a specific frequency (speed), it can have positive effects on the condition of tissues and organs. FSM can help the body recuperate, promote pain in relief, relax muscles, dissolve scar tissue and improve healing, all at accelerated rates. FSM is painless; in fact you cannot even feel it. FSM provides electric current in the millionth of an ampere, which is below the stimulation threshold of sensory nerves. (Your own cells generate a current in the microamp range.)
Facts about FSM:
- Increases ATP (the body’s own chemical energy) production by up to 500%
- Reduces Cox-mediated inflammation by approximately 60%
- Increases protein synthesis by 70%
- Increases amino acid transport by up to 40%
- Remodels and transforms scar tissue
- Increases “feel good” Beta endorphin levels
- Helps restore depleted adrenal function
- Reduces fracture repair time by up to 50%
- Enhances DNA synthesis, insulin binding, oxygenation, cellular repair, intracellular calcium uptake and immune function
- Enhances neuromuscular recovery rate between events
Conditions treated with FSM:
- Sports injuries
- Low back and neck pain
- Nerve/muscle pain
- Fibromyalgia
- Fractures
- Sciatica
- Tennis elbow
- Sprains/strains
What does that mean to you?
- Decreased pain
- Increased rate of healing
- Increased range of motion
- Decreased swelling
Other conditions treated with FSM:
- Insulin resistance
- Diabetic foot ulcers
- Brain Fog
- Inflammation
How do the frequencies work?
We believe FSM works on the principle of biologic resonance. A singer can shatter glass when the note resonates with the crystal structure of the glass. Microcurrent frequencies seem to be able to resonate with the biologic tissue when the correct frequency is applied.
Each cell has an ideal resonant frequency. When your body experiences any type of injury, trauma, stress or increased inflammation, the normal resonant frequency of that tissue is altered. The desired effect of FSM is to return the tissue back to its normal frequency.
Areas of Specialization
Adrenal & Thyroid Disorders
Adrenal and Thyroid disorders are very common and often occur together. The other similarity is that western allopathic doctors often under diagnose patients with these disorders. Many allopathic doctors refuse to believe patients have an issue with their adrenal-pituitary-hypothalamus axis, in spite of a long list of symptoms that would suggest otherwise. Symptoms such as fatigue, irritability, inability to handle stress, poor coping skills, anxiety, headaches, stomach aches, low blood pressure, difficulty walking up in the morning, increased need for caffeine all suggest issues with the adrenal-pituitary- hypothalamus axis.
Thyroid disorders are also under diagnosed for different reasons. The standard reference range most labs use is out of date. Also, many allopathic doctors do not run a complete thyroid panel, they rely on 1 or 2 tests, which does not give a complete picture and can lead to an inaccurate diagnosis. Naturopathic doctors run more specific, more detailed lab testing and offer a wider range of treatment options designed to treat the underlying cause or causes of the situation.
Naturopathic medicine offers a wide variety of supplements and in-office treatments such as acupuncture and frequency specific microcurrent therapy (FSM) for diabetes. Particularly impressive are the options for Type 2 or Insulin Resistance Diabetes. When FSM is used with dietary changes and supplements, insulin sensitivity is improved and patients report reduced cravings for sugar, improved energy and greater ease with weight loss.
Fatigue and Insomnia
Fatigue and Insomnia often go together. It makes sense, if you are not sleeping well, you will most likely be tired, especially if it goes on for any length of time. Getting consistent restful sleep can be challenging for many patients. However, sleep is very important to your overall health and well-being, Nothing can replace a good night's sleep, besides fatigue, chronic sleep deprivation can cause: headaches, brain fog, inability to concentrate and stay focused, learning difficulties, depression, anxiety, reduced coping skills, mood troubles, high blood pressure, stroke and obesity. Naturopathic medicine can help by determining the cause/or causes of poor sleep. For example, is poor sleep related to cortisol, specific neurotransmitters, melatonin, thyroid, pain, stress or poor sleep hygiene habits.
Pain Management
Many conditions cause patients to have pain. Pain can interfere be debilitating, prevent you from living your life and even prevent you from getting a good night's rest. By combining Naturopathic medicine, Acupuncture and FSM, I can help reduce inflammation and reduce pain and improve the quality of your life.
Stress Management
Naturopathic medicine helps patients manage stress by optimizing the way your nervous system, immune system, and endocrine system handles stress.